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Die Sims 4 Tipps, News und Infos. Die Sims steht seit jeher fr eine echtzeit strategische Lebenssimulation, in der ihr die Kontrolle ber das Leben virtueller Figuren bernehmt. Dabei lsst sich sowohl das Arbeitsleben, als auch das soziale Leben der Spielfiguren komplett steuern und organisieren. Mit Die Sims 4 setzt EA konsequent die Serie um das knstliche Leben im PC fort. Jetzt Die Sims 4 kaufenDie Sims 4 ist der mittlerweile vierte Teil der uerst erfolgreichen Simulation. Im Gegensatz zum dritten Teil der Reihe gibt es jedoch einige Einschrnkungen, mit den der gemeine Sims Spieler leben lernen muss. So gab es anfangs keine Pools und keine Kleinkinder. Das wurde jedoch durch kostenlose Updates ergnzt. Zudem wollten EA und Maxis weg von den realistischen Sims und sind wieder zu einem Comicstil zurckkehrt, was aber der Erstellung in Die Sims 4 im CAS keinen Abbruch tut. Horse racing Ice hockey Karate Olympics Racing Motorsport Asian Games or Asiad are a multisport event taking place every four years among the athletes from all. Sims 4 Kostenlos Die Sims 4 Die Sims steht seit jeher fr eine echtzeitstrategische Lebenssimulation, in der ihr die. Fragen aus dem Garten. FragDenMeister ist die neue, innovative App aus der grnen Branche. Stellen sie ab sofort alle Fragen rund um Garten und die Pflanzenwelt. Die Sims 3 Deutsch CrackWer sich jedoch frei in der Stadt bewegen mchte und einen Computer hat, der das leistungstechnisch schafft, sollte eher zu Sims 3 oder 2 zurckkehren. Die Sims 4 Konsolen Trailer. Die Sims 4 Das neue virtuelle Leben mit Einschrnkungen. Neu ist die Idee von Die Sims 4 natrlich nicht, setzt Entwickler Maxis das Gameplay der Lebenssimulation nun doch schon seit etlichen Jahren immer gleich fort. Doch anstatt hier ein Recycling von Spielideen zu sehen, werden die vielen Fans, die sich Die Sims in all den Jahren zugelegt hat, nun noch freudiger zur Lebenssimulation greifen. In Die Sims 4 werdet ihr wieder ber das Leben eurer virtuellen Sims entscheiden knnen, Huser bauen, Wohnungen einrichten, Aussehen verndern, Hobbies entdecken und Freundschaften schlieen. Alles schon mal dagewesen, aber noch nie so hbsch und bunt. Bildergalerie Die Sims 4 Charaktergenerierung Zwar spart sich Die Sims 4 weiterhin seinen eigenen Charme und Humor auf und versucht nicht, ein Second Life in Gut zu werden, doch wer seinem eigenen tristen Leben entfliehen will, der kann in Sim City erste Gehversuche starten. Das Basisspiel wartet erfahrungsgem mit wenigen Objekten auf. Die Hobby Gegenstnde sind zudem so gro, dass sie nur auf ppige und teure Grundstcke passen. Mit zahlreichen Erweiterungen, die mittlerweile erhltlich sind, knnt ihr dem aber entgegen kommen. Release, Plattformen und Demo. Die Sims 4 erschien am 4. September 2. 01. 4 fr den PC. Dabei werden Mac und Windows PCs bedient. Wer sich nicht traut, noch so viel Geld fr das Spiel auszugeben, kann ber Origin und Origin Access den Erstelle einen Sim Modus kostenlos ausprobieren. Dieser ist so detailreich wie noch nie zuvor und zeigt euch bereits, was im vierten Teil der Sims Reihe auf euch wartet. Am 1. 7. November 2. Die Sims 4 fr Play. Station 4 und Xbox One. Das Spiel wird zum ersten Mal keine spezielle Variante der PC Version sein, sondern eins zu eins umgesetzt. Das bedeutet, dass es nicht nur die gleichen Inhalte, sondern auch die selben Gameplay Mechaniken geben wird. Dabei erwarten wir aber etwaige Shortcuts, die ihr durch die verschiedenen Controller Buttons auslsen knnt immerhin ist das schnelle Navigieren mit den Sticks etwas schwerer als mit der Maus. Gefllt dir Teile es

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I want to make a method that takes any file and reads it as an array of 0s and 1s, i. e. its binary code. I want to save that binary code as a text file. Can you help meThis is a C code sample that creates disk Z file or RAM disk implementing IVirtual. Drive. Handler. 2 COM interface. You should use managed languages very carefully in callback handlers. It is very important to understand that virtual drive callback handler. Implementation code must be short and efficient. The content you requested has already been retired. It is available to download on this page. Digital Data Storage DDS is a computer data storage technology that is based upon the digital audio tape DAT format that was developed during the 1980s. This is a list of file formats used by computers, organized by type. Filename extensions are usually noted in parentheses if they differ from the file format name or. A quick cheat sheet that highlights some key syntactical differences between C and VB. NET. While this is not all inclusive this cheat sheet proves to be a handy. Quick reference guide that compares VB. NET and C. When creating new project, please note Allow unsafe code in the project configuration. Add reference to VDSDKLib COM component. Program. csusing System. System. Collections. Generic. using System. Windows. Forms. namespace VDSDKTest. Program. STAThread. Main. Application. Enable. Visual. Styles. Application. Set. Compatible. Text. Rendering. Defaultfalse. Application. Runnew Form. Form. 1. csusing System. System. Collections. Generic. using System. Component. Model. System. Data. using System. How to use C BinaryReader Class C BinaryReader Object works at lower level of Streams. C BinaryReader is using for read primitive types as binary values in a. Drawing. using System. Text. using System. Windows. Forms. using System. Security. Cryptography. VDSDKLib. namespace VDSDKTest. Form. 1 Form, VDSDKLib. IVirtual. Drive. Format. Callback. Handler. TYPERAMDISK 0. TYPEFILEDISK 1. Form. 1. Initialize. Component. Create. Btn. Enabled true. Destroy. Btn. Enabled false. Format. Btn. Enabled false. Disk. Type. Selected. Index TYPERAMDISK. Bar. Format. Minimum 0. Bar. Format. Maximum 1. Handle 1. mp. Handler null. mp. Manager new VDSDKLib. Virtual. Drives. Manager. Class. mp. Manager. Initialize. VDSDK. Manager. Activate. VDSDK 0. Form. 1. private Virtual. Disk. Handler mp. Handler privateint mdrive. Handle private VDSDKLib. Virtual. Drives. Manager. Class mp. Manager. On. Format. Callbackuint Progress. Bar. Format. Value intProgress. On. Click. Mountobject sender, Event. Args e. uint disk. Size Convert. To. UInt. 32text. Box. Disk. Size. Text. Letter text. Box. Disk. Letter. Text0. Type combo. Disk. Type. Selected. Index. Type. case TYPERAMDISK. Handler new Ram. Disk. Handlerdisk. Size. break. case TYPEFILEDISK. File. Disk. Handler p. File. Disk. Handler new File. Disk. Handlerdisk. Handler p. File. Disk. Handler. p. File. Disk. Handler. Pre. Allocatedisk. Size. break. if check. Box. Encryption. Checked. DES encryption System. Security. Cryptography. DES. Create. int Key. Size encryption. Key. Size 8. encryption. Mode Cipher. Mode. ECB. encryption. Padding Padding. Mode. None. MD5. Crypto. Service. Provider hash. Provider new MD5. Crypto. Service. Provider. Provider. Compute. HashUTF8. Encoding. UTF8. Get. Bytestext. Box. Password. Text. Key hash. if hash. Length Key. Size. Key new byteKey. Size. Buffer. Block. Copyhash, 0, encryption. Key, 0, Key. Size. Key encryption. Key. mp. Handler. Setup. Encryptionencryption. Handle mp. Manager. Create. Virtual. Drivebytedisk. Letter, disk. Size, mp. Handler. if mdrive. Handle 1. mp. Handler null. Message. Box. ShowError. Create. Btn. Enabled false. Destroy. Btn. Enabled true. Format. Btn. Enabled true. Unmount. Disk. if mdrive. Handle 1. mp. Manager. Destroy. Virtual. Drivemdrive. Handle, 1. mp. Handler. Release. mp. Handler null. Handle 1. Create. Btn. Enabled true. Destroy. Btn. Enabled false. Format. Btn. Enabled false. Bar. Format. Value 0. On. Click. Unmountobject sender, Event. Args e. Unmount. Disk. privatevoid On. Format. Createobject sender, Event. Args e. ifmp. Manager. Format. Virtual. Drivemdrive. Handle, 0, NTFS, VDSDKDISK, this 1. Message. Box. ShowSuccess. Message. Box. ShowError. On. Closingobject sender, Form. Closing. Event. Args e. Unmount. Disk. mp. Manager. Shutdown. VDSDK1. privatevoid check. Box. EncryptionChecked. Changedobject sender, Event. Args e. text. Box. Password. Enabled check. Box. Encryption. Checked. Ram. Disk. Handler. VDSDKLib. namespace VDSDKTest. Ram. Disk. Handler Virtual. Disk. Handler. private byte mbuffer. Ram. Disk. Handleruint size. Release. mbuffer null. Ram. Disk. Handler. Release. overrideprotected uint On. Read. Data. ImplSystem. UInt. 64 Offset, uint Size, out System. Array Buffer. byte buf new byteSize. System. Array. Copymbuffer, intOffset, buf, 0, intSize. Buffer buf. return Size. On. Write. Data. ImplSystem. UInt. 64 Offset, uint Size, ref System. Array Buffer. System. Array. CopybyteBuffer, 0, mbuffer, intOffset, intSize. Size. File. Disk. Handler. csusing VDSDKLib. VDSDKTest. publicclass File. Disk. Handler Virtual. Disk. Handler. const uint FILESHAREREAD 1. GENERICREAD 0x. GENERICWRITE 0x. OPENALWAYS 4. const uint FILEFLAGNOBUFFERING 0x. FILEFLAGRANDOMACCESS 0x. FILEBEGIN 0. System. Runtime. Interop. Services. Dll. Importkernel. Set. Last. Error true. System. Int. Ptr Create. File. string File. Name. uint Desired. Access. uint Share. Mode. uint Security. Attributes. uint Creation. Disposition. uint Flags. And. Attributes. int h. Template. File. System. Runtime. Interop. Services. Dll. Importkernel. Set. Last. Error true. Read. File. System. Int. Ptr h. File. Buffer. uint Number. Of. Bytes. To. Read. Number. Of. Bytes. Read. int Overlapped. System. Runtime. Interop. Services. Dll. Importkernel. Set. Last. Error true. Get. File. Size. System. Int. Ptr h. File. File. Size. High. System. Runtime. Interop. Services. Dll. Importkernel. Set. Last. Error true. Write. File. System. Int. Ptr h. File. Buffer. uint Number. Of. Bytes. To. Write. Number. Of. Bytes. Written. int Overlapped. System. Runtime. Interop. Services. Dll. Importkernel. Set. Last. Error true. Close. Handle. System. Int. Ptr h. Object. System. Runtime. Interop. Services. Dll. Importkernel. Set. Last. Error true. Set. File. Pointer. System. Int. Ptr h. Object. uint l. Distance. To. Move. uint lp. Distance. To. Move. High. uint dw. Move. Method. System. Int. Ptr mh. File. public File. Disk. Handlerstring path. File Create. Filepath, GENERICREAD GENERICWRITE, FILESHAREREAD, 0. OPENALWAYS, FILEFLAGNOBUFFERING FILEFLAGRANDOMACCESS, 0. Release. if mh. File System. Int. Ptr 1. Close. Handlemh. File. File System. Int. Ptr 1. File. Disk. Handler. Release. Pre. Allocateuint disk. Size. In. MB. constint chunk. Size 8. byte buf new bytechunk. Size 1. 02. 4 1. High. sz Get. File. Sizemh. File, sz. High. System. UInt. System. UInt. 64 size. High sz. High lt lt 3. High. size 1. Size. In. MB. return. Size. In. MB chunk. Size i. uint dw. Write. Filemh. File, p, chunk. Size 1. 02. 4 1. On. Read. Data. ImplSystem. UInt. 64 Offset, uint Size, out System. Array Buffer. uint result 0. Size. unsafe. fixed bytep buf. Offset 0xffffffff. Offset 3. Set. File. Pointermh. File, low, high, FILEBEGIN. Read. Filemh. File, p, Size, result, 0. Buffer buf. return Size. On. Write. Data. ImplSystem. UInt. 64 Offset, uint Size, ref System. Array Buffer. uint result 0. Buffer. unsafe. fixed bytep buf. Offset 0xffffffff. Offset 3. Set. File. Pointermh. File, low, null, FILEBEGIN. Write. Filemh. File, p, Size, result, 0. Buffer buf. return result.

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Livre numrique Wikipdia. Un livre numrique terme officiellement recommand en France dans le JORF du 4 avril 2. Il peut galement tre lu en ligne. Selon la loi franaise LOI n 2. Michael Hart crait en 1. Gutenberg, dont le but est de numriser une grande quantit de livres afin de crer une bibliothque en ligne libre daccs4. La volont de Hart tait de crer une nouvelle modalit de distribution et ventuellement, de lecture autrement que par papier. Cest ainsi quest apparu le premier document numris par le projet Gutenberg  la Dclaration dindpendance des tats Unis dans un fichier de 5 ko5, qui a dailleurs t publi un 4 juillet, jour de la fte nationale amricaine. Download La Solution Ciel 2010 Francais IsoDownload La Solution Ciel 2010 Francais IsoToutefois, comme la communaut na pas encore majoritairement un accs Internet, le projet avance lentement, mais partir des annes 1. Internet et le projet va alors bon train et fte mme son dixime livre numris avec The King James Bible en 1. Ailleurs, la socit Franklin russit mettre sur pied en 1. Pendant quil ftait son centime livre numris en 1. Quatre ans aprs avoir rachet ATI, AMD supprime toutes mentions relatives son nom. Ainsi depuis 2010 et la fusion des technologies des deux marques, ATI. Download La Solution Ciel 2010 Francais IsoThe International Organization for Standardization ISO is an international standardsetting body composed of representatives from various national standards. Download La Solution Ciel 2010 Francais IsoWilliam Shakespeare7, Michael Hart tait presque le seul se dmarquer dans le livre numrique lpoque, la dernire dcennie du vingtime sicle est le moment ou dautres personnes commencent se joindre au projet numrique du livre. En effet, en janvier 1. John Mark Ockerbloom cre le Online Books Page. Contrairement Hart qui publiait des livres sur la plateforme numrique, ce projet a pour but de rpertorier uniquement des textes numriques anglophones dj publis, de manire offrir un point daccs commun tous pour la lecture numrique. Apparition dAmazon. Dans la mme anne, au dbut davril 1. Pierre Franois Gagnon8 fonde Montral ditel editel. Cylibris, premire maison ddition numrique francophone fonde par Olivier Gainon qui publie les livres numriques et imprims sur Internet6. Le Mobipocket est fond. Ce logiciel de lecture  se spcialise demble dans la lecture et la distribution scurise de livres pour assistant personnel. 6. Gemstar ebook qui devient la premire tablette de lecture numrique officielle. Adobe Flash Player lance son premier logiciel gratuit qui permet une lecture numrique dun fichier. La mme anne dbute le concept du mail roman francophone qui consiste publier, un chapitre la fois, un roman par lintermdiaire de courriels6. Aussi, Cybook devient la premire tablette de lecture europenne tre lance. Cest aussi lanne o le premier smartphone est cre  les tlphones portables sont aussi des formats permettant la lecture numrique. La compagnie Sony produit sa propre tablette de lecture ou reader. Ceci marque le dbut de la popularisation des tablettes lectorielles numriques ou liseuses6. Open Content Alliance est cr par lInternet Archive et Yahoo dans le but dtre en mesure de lire nimporte quel texte disponible sur nimporte quel moteur de recherche6. Google livres Alors que Google avait chou avec Google Print en 2. Google Books qui permet de lire des livres en ligne, de consulter les mtadonnes date de publication, auteur, diteur, page consulte. et deffectuer des recherches dans le corps du texte. 62. Lancement dAmazon Kindle, qui permet Amazon de se spcialiser dans la lecture numrique alors quelle se concentrait seulement sur ldition numrique en gnral. Dans la foule, Amazon lance galement sa propre liseuse, le Kindle. En France apparat publie. Franois Bon, ardent militant du livre numrique. Publie. net pousse les ressources du format e. Pub. 3 jusqu ajouter du son et de la musique ou des vidos9 dans le cours du rcit, et un systme de navigation en hyperimages pour linstant uniquement accessibles sur i. Pad et i. Phone. partir de 2. En 2. 01. 0, la progression en termes de parts de march devient trs significative aux tats Unis1. De nombreux diteurs commencent distribuer, sous forme lectronique, des livres tombs dans le domaine public. Au mme moment, pour une question de cots et de rentabilit, certains diteurs prfrent publier leurs auteurs de cette manire. Diffrences de rception entre le livre numrique et le livre papiermodifier modifier le codeAvant que ne commence la production de livres numriques, il a toujours t question de livres en tant quobjet matriel tel quil est dfini sur la page Wikipdia Livre. Cest ainsi que lorsque sont parus les premiers livres numriques, une certaine partie du lectorat mondial a dabord eu un mouvement de recul par rapport au fait davoir un texte en format numrique et non en format papier. Mme le pionnier Michael Hart a prouv des doutes quant laboutissement de son projet Nous considrons le texte lectronique comme un nouveau mdium, sans vritable relation avec le papier. Le seul point commun est que nous diffusons les mmes uvres, mais je ne vois pas comment le papier peut concurrencer le texte lectronique une fois que les gens y sont habitus, particulirement dans les tablissements denseignement1. La question de lhabitude est donc primordiale lors de lapparition sur le march les premiers livres numriques  les lecteurs ne sont pas encore conditionns ce nouveau format de lecture. En effet, bien que le contenu reste le mme, cela ne signifie pas pour autant quil faut banaliser le livre numrique  en effet, ce dernier se distingue de son acolyte en papier et demande ainsi une redfinition de ses tapes de production1. La rception est aussi intrinsquement lie laccs au web des lecteurs. Ainsi, la cration du web en 1. Un deuxime essor du livre numrique arrive une dcennie plus tard, avec la gnralisation du web et lamlioration de la qualit des livres numriques. Lexpression  livre numrique  et ses synonymes  livre lectronique  et  livrel  mot valise ont t proposs par lOffice qubcois de la langue franaise2 comme traductions franaises des termes anglais  e book ,  electronic book  ou  digital book  voir le Grand dictionnaire terminologique. Selon lOQLF, la forme hybride  e livre  calque de langlais  e book  est viter en franais. Dans lusage courant, les termes  livre lectronique  et  livrel  dsignent aussi bien le contenu le texte lui mme que, par mtonymie, le contenant le support permettant de visualiser le contenu. Ces deux expressions sont donc aussi synonymes de  liseuse . Cet usage est toutefois fautif puisque, comme sa dfinition lindique, le livre numrique est un fichier numrique et non lappareil lectronique qui permet de le consulter. Si contenu et contenant sont souvent interchangs, il ne faut galement pas confondre le livre numrique avec son format e. Pub, mobipocket ou autre. Il existe dans les faits plusieurs types de livres numriques. Fabrice Marcoux en relve trois dominants  homothtique, enrichi et originairement numrique1. Cest la transposition lidentique dun livre papier en version numrique. Il sagit de la forme la plus rpandue et de la premire tre apparue. Ce type de livre vient complter la version imprime grce aux avantages que permettent le format numrique, tant au niveau de la forme que du contenu. On pense notamment aux hyperliens. Ainsi, par les possibilits denrichissement quasi infinies de luvre quil admet, il est de plus en plus exploit. Marcoux crit quil sagit du livre cr par ou pour le numrique, cest dire quil a t pens en fonction du format numrique et de ses potentialits techniques.

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Iscsi Initiator For Windows 7 64 Bit

IEEE 1394 is an interface standard for a serial bus for highspeed communications and isochronous realtime data transfer. It was developed in the late 1980s and. V7. 7. x Supported Hardware List, Device Driver, Firmware and Recommended Software Levels for SAN Volume Controller. KernSafe TotalMounter can be easily used on Windows 7, including 64bit edition allowing for comfortable mounting almost any image file types. DAEMON Tools Lite free for noncommercial usage product is a wellknown solution that allows you to mount, copy and create an image. It works with the most. Windows 7 Command Prompt Commands A Complete List of CMD Commands Available in Windows 7. Build Your Own Oracle RAC 11g Cluster on Oracle Linux and iSCSI by Jeffrey Hunter. Learn how to set up and configure an Oracle RAC 11g Release 2 development cluster. Oracle VM VirtualBox User Manual. Oracle Corporation. Build Your Own Oracle RAC 1. Cluster on Oracle Enterprise Linux and i. SCSIby Jeffrey Hunter Learn how to set up and configure an Oracle RAC 1. Release 2 development cluster on Oracle Linux for less than US2,7. The information in this guide is not validated by Oracle, is not supported by Oracle, and should only be used at your own risk it is for educational purposes only. Updated November 2. Contents. Introduction. Oracle RAC 1. 1g Overview Shared Storage Overviewi. SCSI Technology. Hardware and Costs. Install the Linux Operating System. Install Required Linux Packages for Oracle RACNetwork Configuration. Cluster Time Synchronization Service. Install Openfiler. Configure i. SCSI Volumes using Openfiler. Configure i. SCSI Volumes on Oracle RAC Nodes. Create Job Role Separation Operating System Privileges Groups, Users, and Directories. Logging In to a Remote System Using X Terminal. Configure the Linux Servers for Oracle. Configure RAC Nodes for Remote Access using SSH OptionalAll Startup Commands for Both Oracle RAC Nodes. Install and Configure ASMLib 2. Download Oracle RAC 1. Release 2 Software Preinstallation Tasks for Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a Cluster. Install Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a Cluster. Postinstallation Tasks for Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a Cluster. Create ASM Disk Groups for Data and Fast Recovery Area. Install Oracle Database 1. Oracle Real Application Clusters Install Oracle Database 1. Examples formerly Companion Create the Oracle Cluster Database. Post Database Creation Tasks OptionalCreate Alter Tablespaces. Verify Oracle Grid Infrastructure and Database Configuration. Starting Stopping the Cluster. Troubleshooting. Conclusion. Acknowledgements. Introduction. One of the most efficient ways to become familiar with Oracle Real Application Clusters RAC 1. Oracle RAC 1. 1g cluster. Theres no better way to understand its benefitsincluding fault tolerance, security, load balancing, and scalabilitythan to experience them directly. Unfortunately, for many shops, the price of the hardware required for a typical production RAC configuration makes this goal impossible. A small two node cluster can cost from US1. US2. 0,0. 00. This cost would not even include the heart of a production RAC environment, the shared storage. In most cases, this would be a Storage Area Network SAN, which generally start at US1. For those who want to become familiar with Oracle RAC 1. Oracle RAC 1. 1g Release 2 system using commercial off the shelf components and downloadable software at an estimated cost of US2,2. US2,7. 00. The system will consist of a two node cluster, both running Oracle Enterprise Linux OEL Release 5 Update 4 for x. Oracle RAC 1. 1g Release 2 for Linux x. ASMLib 2. 0. All shared disk storage for Oracle RAC will be based on i. SCSI using Openfiler release 2. Network Storage Server. Although this article should work with Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Oracle Enterprise Linux available for free will provide the same if not better stability and will already include the ASMLib software packages with the exception of the ASMLib userspace libraries which is a separate download. This guide is provided for educational purposes only, so the setup is kept simple to demonstrate ideas and concepts. For example, the shared Oracle Clusterware files OCR and voting files and all physical database files in this article will be set up on only one physical disk, while in practice that should be configured on multiple physical drives. In addition, each Linux node will only be configured with two network interfaces one for the public network eth. Oracle RAC private interconnect and the network storage server for shared i. SCSI access eth. For a production RAC implementation, the private interconnect should be at least Gigabit or more with redundant paths and only be used by Oracle to transfer Cluster Manager and Cache Fusion related data. A third dedicated network interface eth. Gigabit network for access to the network storage server Openfiler. Oracle Documentation. While this guide provides detailed instructions for successfully installing a complete Oracle RAC 1. Oracle documentation see list below. In addition to this guide, users should also consult the following Oracle documents to gain a full understanding of alternative configuration options, installation, and administration with Oracle RAC 1. Oracles official documentation site is docs. Network Storage Server. Powered by r. Path Linux, Openfiler is a free browser based network storage management utility that delivers file based Network Attached Storage NAS and block based Storage Area Networking SAN in a single framework. The entire software stack interfaces with open source applications such as Apache, Samba, LVM2, ext. Linux NFS and i. SCSI Enterprise Target. Openfiler combines these ubiquitous technologies into a small, easy to manage solution fronted by a powerful web based management interface. Openfiler supports CIFS, NFS, HTTPDAV, FTP, however, we will only be making use of its i. SCSI capabilities to implement an inexpensive SAN for the shared storage components required by Oracle RAC 1. The operating system and Openfiler application will be installed on one internal SATA disk. A second internal 7. GB 1. 5K SCSI hard disk will be configured as a single Volume Group that will be used for all shared disk storage requirements. The Openfiler server will be configured to use this volume group for i. SCSI based storage and will be used in our Oracle RAC 1. Oracle grid infrastructure and the Oracle RAC database. Oracle Grid Infrastructure 1. Release 2 1. 1. 2 With Oracle grid infrastructure 1. Release 2 1. 1. 2, the Automatic Storage Management ASM and Oracle Clusterware software is packaged together in a single binary distribution and installed into a single home directory, which is referred to as the Grid Infrastructure home. You must install the grid infrastructure in order to use Oracle RAC 1. Release 2. Configuration assistants start after the installer interview process that configure ASM and Oracle Clusterware. While the installation of the combined products is called Oracle grid infrastructure, Oracle Clusterware and Automatic Storage Manager remain separate products. After Oracle grid infrastructure is installed and configured on both nodes in the cluster, the next step will be to install the Oracle RAC software on both Oracle RAC nodes. In this article, the Oracle grid infrastructure and Oracle RAC software will be installed on both nodes using the optional Job Role Separation configuration. One OS user will be created to own each Oracle software product grid for the Oracle grid infrastructure owner and oracle for the Oracle RAC software. Throughout this article, a user created to own the Oracle grid infrastructure binaries is called the grid user. This user will own both the Oracle Clusterware and Oracle Automatic Storage Management binaries. The user created to own the Oracle database binaries Oracle RAC will be called the oracle user. Both Oracle software owners must have the Oracle Inventory group oinstall as their primary group, so that each Oracle software installation owner can write to the central inventory ora. Flex. Pod Datacenter with Red Hat Enterprise Linux Open. Stack Platform. Flex. Pod is a pre validated datacenter architecture followed by best practices that is built on the Cisco Unified Computing System UCS, the Cisco Nexus family of switches, and Net. App unified storage systems. Flex. Pod has been a trusted platform for running a variety of virtualization hypervisors as well as bare metal operating systems. The Flex. Pod architecture is highly modular, delivers a baseline configuration, and also has the flexibility to be sized and optimized to accommodate many different use cases and requirements. The Flex. Pod architecture can both scale up adding additional resources within a Flex. Pod unit and scale out adding additional Flex. Pod units. Flex. Pod with Red Hat Enterprise Linux Open. Stack Platform 6. Flex. Pods already wide range of validated and supported design portfolio entries. The audience of this document includes, but is not limited to, sales engineers, field consultants, professional services, IT managers, partner engineers, and customers who want to take advantage of an infrastructure that is built to deliver IT efficiency and enable IT innovation. It is expected from the audience of this document to have the necessary training and background to install and configure Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Cisco Unified Computing System UCS, Cisco Nexus switches, and Net. App storage as well as high level understanding of Open. Stack components. External references are provided where applicable and it is recommended that the audience be familiar with these documents. This document describes the steps required to deploy and configure Red Hat Enterprise Linux Open. Stack Platform 6 on Flex. Pod. The architecture can be very easily expanded with predictable linear performance. While readers of this document are expected to have sufficient knowledge to install and configure the products used, configuration details that are important to this solutions deployments are specifically mentioned. This solution is based on Open. Stack Juno release hardened and streamlined by Red Hat in Red Hat Enterprise Linux Open. Stack Platform 6. In Flex. Pod with Red Hat Enterprise Linux Open. Stack Platform 6, Cisco Unified Computing System, Net. App, and Red Hat Open. Stack Platform are combined to deliver Open. Stack Infrastructure as a Service Iaa. S deployment that is quick and easy to deploy. Flex. Pod with Red Hat Enterprise Linux Open. Stack Platform helps IT organizations accelerate cloud deployments while retaining control and choice over their environments with open and inter operable cloud solutions. Flex. Pod with Red Hat Enterprise Linux Open. Stack Platform 6. Furthermore, it includes Open. Stack HA through redundant controller nodes. In this solution, Open. Stack block, file, and object storage is provided by highly available Net. App storage systems. Flex. Pod is a best practice datacenter architecture that includes these components          Cisco Unified Computing System Cisco UCS          Cisco Nexus switches          Net. App fabric attached storage FAS andor Net. App E Series storage systems. These components are connected and configured according to best practices of both Cisco and Net. App, and provide the ideal platform for running a variety of enterprise workloads with confidence. As previously mentioned, the reference architecture covered in this document leverages the Cisco Nexus 9. Series switch. One of the key benefits of Flex. Pod is the ability to maintain consistency at scaling, including scale up and scale out. Each of the component families shown in Figure 1Cisco Unified Computing System, Cisco Nexus, and Net. App storage systems offers platform and resource options to scale the infrastructure up or down, while supporting the same features and functionality that are required under the configuration and connectivity best practices of Flex. Pod. As customers transition toward shared infrastructure or cloud computing they face a number of challenges such as initial transition hiccups, return on investment ROI analysis, infrastructure management and future growth plan. The Flex. Pod architecture is designed to help with proven guidance and measurable value. By introducing standardization, Flex. Pod helps customers mitigate the risk and uncertainty involved in planning, designing, and implementing a new datacenter infrastructure. The result is a more predictive and adaptable architecture capable of meeting and exceeding customers IT demands. Cisco and Net. App have thoroughly validated and verified the Flex. Pod solution architecture and its many use cases while creating a portfolio of detailed documentation, information, and references to assist customers in transforming their datacenters to this shared infrastructure model. This portfolio includes, but is not limited to the following items          Best practice architectural design          Workload sizing and scaling guidance          Implementation and deployment instructions          Technical specifications rules for Flex. Pod configuration dos and donts         Frequently asked questions FAQs          Cisco Validated Designs CVDs and Net. App Verified Architectures NVAs focused on a variety of use cases. Cisco and Net. App have also built a robust and experienced support team focused on Flex. Pod solutions, from customer account and technical sales representatives to professional services and technical support engineers. The Co operative Support Program extended by Net. App, Cisco and Red Hat provides customers and channel service partners with direct access to technical experts who collaborate with cross vendors and have access to shared lab resources to resolve potential issues. Flex. Pod supports tight integration with virtualized and cloud infrastructures, making it a logical choice for long term investment. The following IT initiatives are addressed by the Flex. Pod solution. Flex. Pod is a pre validated infrastructure that brings together compute, storage, and network to simplify, accelerate, and minimize the risk associated with datacenter builds and application rollouts. These integrated systems provide a standardized approach in the datacenter that facilitates staff expertise, application onboarding, and automation as well as operational efficiencies relating to compliance and certification. Flex. Podis a highly available and scalable infrastructure that IT can evolve over time to support multiple physical and virtual application workloads. Flex. Pod has no single point of failure at any level, from the server through the network, to the storage. The fabric is fully redundant and scalable, and provides seamless traffic failover, should any individual component fail at the physical or virtual layer. Flex. Pod addresses four primary design principles          Application availability Makes sure that services are accessible and ready to use. Scalability Addresses increasing demands with appropriate resources. Flexibility Provides new services or recovers resources without requiring infrastructure modifications. Manageability Facilitates efficient infrastructure operations through open standards and APIs.           Performance and comprehensive security are key design criteria that are not directly addressed in this solution but have been addressed in other collateral, benchmarking, and solution testing efforts. This design guide validates the functionality and basic security elements.